Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Forthcoming Events with Jennifer K Dick like ENSFR conference talk sat April 18th

As I have not stopped by my own blog in awhile, I am checking in again here—and have updated the events page—perhaps I will see you at one of these appearances in person ? Here is the info for you in case!

18 April 2015 in Panel 5 of the ENSFR conference from 9:30-11:30am Panel 5. Identities and Influences in American Short Fiction TALK Jennifer K Dick "Porous Borders/ Hybrid Lives: Jhumpa Lahiri and American Suburbia" I will be speaking as part of this 2-day short story conference (17-18th April). My panel will be chaired by Sylvia Mieskowski (University of Bayreuth, Germany) and also include speakers Jamie Korsmo-Ergle (Georgia State University, USA), Rebecca Pohl (University of Manchester, UK), and Jochen Achilles (University of Würzburg, Germany), speaking on ‘Place and Performance: Transnational Identities in James’ “The Madonna of the Future”’, ‘Excerpting and Rewriting Flaubert in Lydia Davis’s Can’t and Won’t’and ‘Intercultural Identities and (Trans)-National Influences in Short Fiction by Sandra Cisneros and Simon J. Ortiz’ WHERE?: University College Dublin (Humanities Institute) SEE Googlemaps for info, or watch the ENSFR site for more: http://ensfr.hypotheses.org/222#more-222

30 MAY 2015 at 18h30 Text creation performance with Olivier Gabrys. "Traces de son amant qui s’en va" SPECTACLE Olivier Gabrys / chorégraphe et danseur, Jennifer K. Dick / écrivain. Performance de danse et de textes : un  dialogue entre la voix de l'écrivain, le  regard de l'artiste et le mouvement du  corps du danseur. Quand la chorégraphie  du corps vivant, mouvant, rencontre les  œuvres présentées et les images qu'elles  convoquent, s'associe à la voix de l'écrivain,  lue ou spontanée, pour donner à voir, à  ressentir une expérience inédite.  Les thématiques et les pratiques plastiques de Véronique Arnold sont explorées et développées dans cette performance collaborative, créée in situ pendant l'exposition au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mulhouse. Spectacle proposé par le Service Universitaire de l’Action Culturelle de l’Université de Haute-Alsace. AT Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mulhouse, 4 Place Guillaume Tell, 68100 Mulhouse.

22 June 2015 : 20h30 Featured reader Jennifer Κ  Dick at Spoken Word, Paris—I will read a few minutes more during the open mic night down in the dynamic cave with the Spoken Worders. Come read a poem and hear a few of mine if you like, too. Sign up 8pm For more, see SW’s site http://spokenwordparis.org/ Where? AT: le chat noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes.

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